Have you ever heard, read, or used the word ineffable? Do you know what this word means? ❓❓❓
Ineffable is rarely used during daily conversations. Many have considered this word as a fancy and posh English word that are usually used during formal conversations.
Fun fact: not everyone knows what this word means and some aren’t even aware of this word’s existence!
So, what does this word actually mean?
According to Oxford Dictionary, the definition of ineffable is:
“too great or beautiful to describe in words.”
In other words, ineffable means incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible.
As stated by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the synonyms of ineffable include indefinable, inexpressible, indescribable, unspeakable, and unutterable. The anonyms of ineffable include communicable, describable, expressible, and speakable. (Adipex)
Ineffable is an adjective that describes a situation that causes so much emotion, especially pleasure, that the situation itself can’t be described.
Anything ineffable is unspeakably beautiful, moving, or horrible. It’s beyond expression. If something is so powerful or emotional that you can’t even describe it, it’s ineffable.
Ineffable ideas and emotions are difficult to put into words. For instance, parents might feel an ineffable sadness and pride when watching their youngest child graduate from high school.
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