
Cooperation for authentic experiences.

“Good and reliable translators with extensive knowledge and experience for technical translations. Great communicators, affordable and reasonable price, also easy to work with. It’s a pleasure to work with Linguosco! Surely would recommend others!”

Finda Prafianti
Academic Researcher

Our Clients

Here is our testimonial from our esteemed customers:

Corporate Clients - Linguosco
Government and International Organizations - Linguosco
Educational Institution - Linguosco
Legal and Community and Media

"Good results."

- Afrizal Faisal, 30, PT. Pamapersada Nusantara


"Their service is neat and they stick to the timeline. With a fast response they also provide me with written agreements which were necessary."

- Aldila Syarifah, 20, Student at Airlangga University

"The translation service was fast and great! very professional with reasonable price.”

- Amanda Sarastede, 24, Academic Researcher.

"Couldn't have refined my CV without Linguosco's service. They deliver top-notch work with a friendly, resourceful manner. Definitely recommended."

- Bob S.H., 25, IR Graduate.

"Water’s wet. Fact. Sky’s blue. Also Fact. Linguosco’s a superb translation service. That’s a no brainer. Linguosco has helped me through mountains of essays and myriads of presentation scripts. Sharpening my words like a weapon, my confidence and wit grows during each time I do a presentation. No grammatical errors, proofread, and by the end of the day, Linguosco still makes my work feel authentic."

- Krisna Latief, 24, Robotic Engineering Student.

Monica C.

"Halo, selamat pagi kak. Aku baru sempat balas. aku mau ucapin terimakasih banyak sama Linguosco bantu aku beberapa kali untuk tulis cover letter bahasa Inggris. Dari banyak lamaran yang aku kirim, puji Tuhan yang kemarin membawa hasil yang baik. Terima kasih Lingusco. Maaf sering mepet2 place order nya. Semoga Linguosco kedepannya makin sukses dan maju amiinn.. Salam yaa buat linguosco dan tim. Semoga sehat selalu dan maju terus 🙏🙏😆😆😆😆"

- Monica C., 21, Student at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

"Halo ka, untuk hasilnya membantu sekali dan terimakasih masukannya juga yang ada di komen. Sangat sangat membantu untuk menyelesaikan skripsi saya. Terimakasih banyak ka 🥰"

- Nur Gusni, 23, Student at Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtaya


"Linguosco has always been helpful - the service is undoubtedly top notch. Would definitely work with them in another occasion."

- Sabrina Nadilla, 26, Officer at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia

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