Happy International Translation Day Part 2 (2020)

[Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] Happy International Translation Day! 🌎🌍🌏 September 30th is an important and celebratory day for translators worldwide, including Linguosco’s team of professional translators! 🎉🎉🎉 “International Translation Day is meant as an opportunity to pay tribute to the work of language professionals, which plays an important role in bringing nations together, facilitating dialogue, …

Happy International Translation Day Part 1 (2020)

[Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] Happy International Translation Day! 🌎🌍🌏 September 30th is an important and celebratory day for translators worldwide, including Linguosco’s team of professional translators! 🎉🎉🎉 Translation breaks one major thing like no other: LANGUAGE BARRIERS. 📃💬 The existence of translation unites us all. From East to West. Russia to Australia. America to Indonesia. …

Meme of the Month : The Power of Punctuations (September 2020)

[Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] Meme of the Month : September 2020 😝😂😛 Lesson: THE POWER OF PUNCTUATION ❗❓❕❔ Punctuation is one of the most important things not only in the English language but also other languages! It can affect the whole meaning of a sentence. What is the meaning of punctuation? According to Dictionary.com, the …

Meme of the Month (September 2020)

[Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] Meme of the Month: September 2020 😝😂😛 Have a laugh. Giggle a little. Don’t take life too seriously. It is almost the end of the month… We are getting tired, bored, and frustrated with our daily tasks and work. A new week has just begun and the weekend is still so …

Word of the Week Part 10 – Rendezvous (September 2020)

[Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] Word of the Week: Part 10 📖🔍 Word: Rendezvous 👤➡💬⬅👤 Have you ever heard, read, or used the word rendezvous? Do you know what this word means? ❓❓❓ Rendezvous is not like any typical English word. In order to pronounce this word correctly, you have to say: “rahn-de-voo”. Not a lot …

Word of the Week Part 10 (September 2020)

[Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] Word of the Week: Part 10 📖🔍 Every Sunday, Linguosco will provide a lesson about one (or two if necessary) unique English word to enrich your English vocabulary! We will explain about the chosen word thoroughly to make you understand more! 📙📓📔 Sunday is not an excuse to be unproductive! You …

Linguosco’s Personalized Ads Part 5 – Law Firms and Government Institutions!

[Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] MOHON PERHATIANNYA! 📢   Halo! 👋 Apakah kamu termasuk salah satu dari: 1. Lembaga pemerintahan 🏢🗳️ 2. Jasa hukum/firma hukum ⚖️🖋️ Apakah Anda merupakan: 1. Pemerintah pusat 2. Pemerintah daerah 3. DPR/MPR/DPD/DPRD 4. Institusi negara (POLRI/TNI, dll.) 5. BUMN 6. BUMD 7. Balai pertanian, Balai perikanan, dll. 8. Firma hukum 9. …

Language Services – Linguosco (September 2020)

[Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] Halo! 🇮🇩 Hello! 🇬🇧 Bonjour! 🇫🇷 こんにちは! 🇯🇵 Hallo! 🇩🇪 Linguosco offers 5 language options for services, which are: 1. Bahasa Indonesia 🇮🇩 2. English 🇬🇧 3. French 🇫🇷 4. Japanese 🇯🇵 5. German 🇩🇪 For translation services, Linguosco offers: 1. Bahasa Indonesia – English (🇮🇩-🇬🇧) 2. English – Bahasa Indonesia …

Linguosco’s Personalized Ads Part 5 – Educational Institutions and Research Centers!

[Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] MOHON PERHATIANNYA! 📢 Halo! 👋 Apakah Anda termasuk salah satu dari: 1. Universitas 🎓 2. Institusi/Akademi Pendidikan 📚✏ 3. Pusat Riset 🔬🔭 4. Think tank 🏢 5. Litbang ⚗️ Apakah Anda perlu mengerjakan dan menyelesaikan: 📌 Riset 📌 Penelitian 📌 Jurnal 📌 Buku panduan/buku ajar 📌 Artikel 📌 Laporan 📌 Makalah/paper …

Delivering Crafted Excellence – Linguosco (September 2020)

Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] In Linguosco, we have three fundamental values: ✅ Personalized ✅ Professional ✅ Quintessential Linguosco only delivers crafted excellence! ✨✨✨ We break boundaries. We make innovations. We are a dedicated team of people experienced in linguistics and cultural translations. We are committed to deliver and make deep profound relationships. Currently based in …