Di Linguosco, kami menerapkan sistem proses pembayaran melalui down payment (DP) terlebih dahulu sebesar lima puluh persen (50%) dari total harga pemesanan / order.
- Tahap pertama adalah klien memastikan telah membayar sebagian DP yang dimaksud dan memberikan bukti transfer ke WhatsApp/e-mail Linguosco.
- Selanjutnya, Linguosco melakukan verifikasi pembayaran guna memastikan penerimaan pembayaran.
- Setelah pembayaran terverifikasi, Linguosco mulai memroses pengerjaan pemesanan/order sesuai dengan pilihan paket pengerjaan (Reguler/Ekspres) yang disepakati sebelumnya.
- Akhirnya, setelah Linguosco menyelesaikan pemesanannya, klien wajib melakukan pelunasan dengan membayar sisa DP yang dimaksud dan kembali memberikan bukti transfer ke WhatsApp/e-mail Linguosco.
- Setelah pembayaran pelunasan terverifikasi, Linguosco mengirim dokumen/pekerjaan.
In Linguosco, we implement a prior down payment system of fifty percent (50%) of the total price order.
- The first step is that the client must ensure to have paid the portion of down payment stated and sent proof of payment of the bank transfer to WhatsApp/e-mail of Linguosco.
- Next, Linguosco performs a payment verification to ensure payment receipt validity.
- After the payment verification, Linguosco begins working on the order as per the previously agreed package (Regular/Express).
- Finally, after receiving the notice of order completion by Linguosco, the client must complete the remaining down payment stated and once again send the proof of payment to WhatsApp/e-mail of Linguosco.
- After the payment has been fully paid and verified, Linguosco finally sends/delivers the related documents.