Selamat Datang di Linguosco Consultancy!
Kami adalah perusahaan penerjemah dan konsultansi penulisan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi terbaik di bidang bahasa dan membantu menyempurnakan dokumen-dokumen Anda.
Apakah Anda membutuhkan bantuan dalam menerjemahkan dokumen penting? Perlu konsultasi untuk penulisan resume/curriculum vitae, atau copywriting? Ingin mentranskripsi hasil wawancara atau menambahkan teks pada video?
Anda berada di tempat yang tepat!
Welcome to Linguosco Consultancy!
We are a consultancy specializing in linguistics, dedicated to helping you ensure your documents are expertly tailored. By using our services, you can achieve the highest quality to meet all your linguistic needs.
Need help creating or perfecting your documents? Looking for expert advice on your resume, curriculum vitae, or copywriting for education, work, or business purposes? Or perhaps you need your interviews transcribed or subtitles added to your videos?
You are in the right place!
Why Linguosco?
Satisfaction guaranteed.
We break boundaries and drive innovation. Our dedicated team of experts excels in linguistics and cultural translations.
We are committed to delivering and making deep profound relationships with our clients. As a language consultancy, we specialize in Bahasa Indonesia, English, French, Japanese, German, Dutch, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean.
Our Services
We offer professional translation services in Bahasa Indonesia, English, French, Japanese, German, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Dutch, and Korean. Additionally, we provide sworn translation services in multiple languages.
CV Writing
For your professional, academic, or personal needs, we offer expert curriculum vitae and resume writing services, along with personalized consultations to enhance your job-seeking process.
Cover Letter Writing
A compelling cover letter is essential for securing job or academic opportunities. If you need assistance creating or refining your cover letter, you can leave it to us!
We provide top-notch transcribing services for your personal, professional, and academic needs, whether in audio or video format. Exceptional transcribing services are just a step away.
Whether you have TV series, movies, clips, or documentaries in need of subtitles, we can make it happen! With our services, you can meet all your subtitling needs seamlessly.
We can be your trusted partner, delivering impactful copies that drive sales and make a lasting impact on your business pitch, company profile, or personal blog!
Our Clients
We are dedicated team of people experienced in linguistics and cultural translations.
PT Lingua Franca Adidaya (Linguosco) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penerjemahan yang terdiri dari tim penerjemah profesional senior dengan kemampuan penerjemahan yang sangat baik dan berpengalaman dalam menerjemahkan dokumen-dokumen lebih dari tiga tahun dengan beragam bidang mulai dari terjemahan umum, bisnis, akademik, kontrak dan hukum.
PT Lingua Franca Adidaya (Linguosco) is a translation and writing consultancy company consisting of a senior professional translator team with versatile and excellent translation skills along with years of experience of translating variant types of documents including but not limited to general, business, academic, contract and legal documents.
Linguosco menyediakan enam jasa/layanan : terjemahan (translation) dan proofreading, konsultasi penulisan (writing consultation) untuk riwayat hidup (curriculum vitae / resume), surat lamaran (cover letter), penulisan wara (copywriting), transkrip audio / video (audio / video transcribing) dan teks film/ takarir (subtitling) untuk kepentingan rencana studi dan pencarian kerja. Kami terbuka terhadap kemungkinan yang lain, kontak kami untuk memberitahu kami!
Linguosco menyediakan jasa/layanan dalam Bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, bahasa Prancis, bahasa Jepang, bahasa Jerman, bahasa Belanda, bahasa Arab dan bahasa Mandarin.
Linguosco provides six services : translation and proofreading, writing consultation for curriculum vitae/resume and cover letter for pursuing higher studies plans as well as for job-seeking purposes, copywriting, audio / video transcribing services and subtitling services. If there is anything else related to those stated above that we may help, kindly inform us so that we can get started!
Linguosco offers such services in Bahasa Indonesia, English, French, Japanese, German, Dutch, Arabic and Mandarin.
Kami menawarkan dua jenis paket pemesanan, yaitu:
- Paket Reguler (Regular Delivery) : pengerjaan dokumen dilakukan selama 3-4 hari kerja (yang diterima sebelum pukul 17.00 WIB pada hari pemesanan). Setiap pemesanan di atas pukul 17.00 WIB akan diproses pada hari yang sama, namun berpotensi dikerjakan pada hari kerja berikutnya.
- Paket Ekspres (Express Delivery) : pengerjaan dokumen dilakukan selama 1-2 hari (termasuk hari Sabtu-Minggu)*
* = dengan pengecualian terhadap hari-hari libur nasional yang diakui oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.
We offer two delivery types:
- Regular Delivery : documents are to be delivered within 3-4 working days (in which such documents must be received by Linguosco by no later than 17.00 Western Indonesian Time on the day of order). All orders which is sent after 17.00 Western Indonesian Time will still be processed on the same day, but will likely be handled on the following working day.
- Express Delivery : documents are to be delivered within 1-2 days (including Saturdays and Sundays)*
* = with an exception of national holidays as recognized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia.
Anda dapat mengirimkan dokumen kami ke beberapa opsi pengiriman termasuk melalui situs kami (klik di sini), e-mail dan melalui media sosial seperti WhatsApp.
E-mail Linguosco adalah dan nomor telepon WhatsApp kami adalah +62 851-5511-8770 (Fast Response).
You can easily send us your documents through several ways including our site (click here), e-mail, and through means of social media such as WhatsApp.
Our email is and our WhatsApp is +62 851-5511-8770 (Fast Response).
Di Linguosco, kami menerapkan sistem proses pembayaran melalui down payment (DP) terlebih dahulu sebesar lima puluh persen (50%) dari total harga pemesanan / order.
- Tahap pertama adalah klien memastikan telah membayar sebagian DP yang dimaksud dan memberikan bukti transfer ke WhatsApp/e-mail Linguosco.
- Selanjutnya, Linguosco melakukan verifikasi pembayaran guna memastikan penerimaan pembayaran.
- Setelah pembayaran terverifikasi, Linguosco mulai memroses pengerjaan pemesanan/order sesuai dengan pilihan paket pengerjaan (Reguler/Ekspres) yang disepakati sebelumnya.
- Akhirnya, setelah Linguosco menyelesaikan pemesanannya, klien wajib melakukan pelunasan dengan membayar sisa DP yang dimaksud dan kembali memberikan bukti transfer ke WhatsApp/e-mail Linguosco.
- Setelah pembayaran pelunasan terverifikasi, Linguosco mengirim dokumen/pekerjaan.
In Linguosco, we implement a prior down payment system of fifty percent (50%) of the total price order.
- The first step is that the client must ensure to have paid the portion of down payment stated and sent proof of payment of the bank transfer to WhatsApp/e-mail of Linguosco.
- Next, Linguosco performs a payment verification to ensure payment receipt validity.
- After the payment verification, Linguosco begins working on the order as per the previously agreed package (Regular/Express).
- Finally, after receiving the notice of order completion by Linguosco, the client must complete the remaining down payment stated and once again send the proof of payment to WhatsApp/e-mail of Linguosco.
- After the payment has been fully paid and verified, Linguosco finally sends/delivers the related documents.
Format yang kami terima adalah dalam bentuk doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx atau pdf. Apabila Anda mengirimkan format lain, mohon infokan kami agar dapat kami bantu untuk penyesuaian/konversi format.
The file formats accepted by Linguosco are doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx or pdf. If you happen to have another format with you, kindly inform us so that we can help you adjust/convert the file to be accessible.
Linguosco sangat percaya akan pentingnya kerahasiaan dan keamanan dari klien kami. Oleh karena itu, Linguosco memastikan bahwa selama proses penerjemahan dan konsultasi penulisan, dokumen-dokumen yang diungkapkan dan diperlihatkan kepada Linguosco akan dijamin kerahasiaannya antara lain dengan menawarkan Perjanjian Kerahasiaan (Confidential Agreement) terutama untuk dokumen-dokumen perusahaan atau pribadi yang bersifat rahasia. Di Linguosco, kami menjamin kerahasiaan dan keamanan tersebut.
Linguosco takes the protection of client’s data very seriously. Therefore, Linguosco ensures that throughout the process of translation and writing consultation, Linguosco guarantees the safety and security of all documents disclosed by offering our Confidential Agreement especially for corporate or personal documents that are confidential. In Linguosco, such course of action is treated seriously and we prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of the documents.
Linguosco melayani pencetakan dan pengiriman untuk dalam negeri maupun ke luar negeri sesuai permintaan. Tim kami siap membantu menyesuaikan layanan kami sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Kami juga menerima permintaan pengiriman dokumen ke luar negeri. Anda dapat langsung menghubungi kami di sini (WhatsApp Linguosco) atau melalui e-mail kami (
Linguosco provides printing and delivery services to our clients for domestic delivery as well as international shipping as per request. Our team is ready to assist and provide you with specific desirable needs and services. We also provide international shipping services for your documents. For more details, you may contact us here (WhatsApp Linguosco) or through our e-mail (
Ready to order? Wait no more, contact us now!
Still need more info? Do you want to order with e-mail or WhatsApp instead? Fret not! Reach us at or message us here.